After speaking at a recent community meeting at Allison Elementary, I was able to share a little about Macho No Machismo, my author visits, and the fact that I want to ensure my books and visits are accessible to the community. When the meeting ended, I was introduced to Austin ISD District 2 Trustee Ofelia Zapata. It was an absolute honor to meet her. She is a champion for equity, education, and the empowerment of all people in her district. So when she asked me, “Is your book available in audio for the visually impaired?” I was speechless. And then I had to tell her that it was not. As a visually impaired person herself, who also wanted to enjoy my book, Trustee Zapata kindly suggested I consider making an audiobook for the visually impaired. So of course after speaking with her I knew I had to stand by my word and make this book accessible in every meaning of the word. I learned about the nuances of the word access as a teacher and especially as a community organizer. Here is my attempt at expanding access to my work. It’s also free! Come on here and listen to it as an individual, as a class, or with your family. Please just not for commercial use or duplication. And finally, thank you Trustee Zapata for your feedback, and I hope it offers the necessary support.
Access for all!